
Future of Taiwan

The PCT remembers well the controversial re-entry of the China Christian Council (CCC) into the WCC in 1991. The CCC had the impudence to ask the PCT to change its name as a condition for the CCC return to the WCC. 

Dr. Hsu, Victor Wan-Chi
Associate General Secretaries of PCT

Since the Canberra Assembly, the ecumenical movement has been going through a period of readjustment in its relationship with both the PCT and the CCC. The WCC itself recognized that the membership of the PCT and the CCC required careful management. It therefore asked both sides to meet together regularly to have dialogue with a view to a better mutual understanding.

The PCT/CCC relations came to the fore again in August when the CCC and the Three-Self Patriotic Movement organized a so-called Christian Forum in Taipei without consulting with the PCT. Receiving enquiries from many local pastors whether they should participate, the PCT Moderator and the General Secretary issued a Pastoral Letter on the Christian Forum. The pastoral letter reiterates that the PCT and CCC relationship must always be in the WCC ecumenical framework based on the principles of equality and mutual respect.

The context of the Korean peninsula, especially the state of the Inter-Korean relations, will be the subject of much media attention. In the program, one weekend is dedicated to the Korean peace pilgrimage when many delegates will visit Panmunjom, the dividing line between South and North. That Sunday, the participants will worship in Seoul to remember the Korean War and the unrealized dream of a united one Korea. Before the end of the Assembly, a special evening marking the Korean people’s peace aspirations will be held.

The future of Taiwan will be cast against such a background. The Assembly participants and the media will be asking the PCT delegation the reason for the PCT stand for independence from China, rather than unification. The PCT will have a great opportunity to state its position on self-determination and national sovereignty on the world stage. It was against tremendously negative political developments in the 1970’s within and without Taiwan that the PCT urged the government “to establish a new and independent nation.” When the People’s Republic of China replaced Taiwan’s Republic of China, the regime in Taiwan forced the PCT to cease participation in the WCC as it began to persecute the PCT by forbidding it to use the written Peh-Wei Ji (Romanized Taiwanese) in its Bible, Hymns and magazines. The international community including the United States shifted its diplomatic recognition to China

The PCT leadership’s strategy is to prepare its participants to become fully conversant with this history so that they will be able to answer queries and advocate for the PCT position. There is no basic contradiction with the PCT when the Korean people opt for reunification. It is an act of Korean self-determination and sovereignty against the division of Korea by the two superpowers after World War II. The PCT and the people of Taiwan are exercising our own right to self-determination and national sovereignty when they called for a new and independent nation.

For more information please contact: PCT Youth Media pcty4wcc@gmail.com

